Thursday, December 3, 2015

Week 12 Final Post

So I just finished my final week of classes. It's been a wild ride these last 12 weeks, and it's kind of a bittersweet feeling. I'm glad that the work is done, but I'm also sad that I won't see people until February after our praticum. I've definitely learned a lot in this class. I've met lots of great people, and found lots of fun activities that I'd love to use in my classroom. Unfortunately, I am in a Core French classroom, so I won't be teaching math. It kind of feels like a waste, since I spent 12 weeks learning about how to teach J/I math, and now I don't even get to use my knowledge. Maybe in my next practicum I will be teaching math, so hopefully I retain this information. At least I have this blog to refer back to to look at some of the strategies and activities to use in the classroom.